Baptist Church


Providence Baptist Church of Mississippi Inc. offers a variety of ministries and auxiliaries that are designed to develop the whole person. Their ministries/auxiliaries stand in the community as a beacon of light, attracting people of all ages.

Pastor Aide Ministry
Primary function is to provide support, protection and care for the Pastor.

Bus Ministry
Function: The Bus Ministry provides transportation to worship services and other church-related services.

Christian Academy
Function: To bring students to the knowledge of God, a believing faith of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit, to lead, guide, direct one’s life in loving and living a life of serving for God’s glory.

Function: Coordinate all baptisms, marriages and deaths with staff. Provide the implements and elements for the Holy Communion and Baptism. Care for the church’s members and those in the community.

Greeter Ministry
The Greeter Ministry provides an atmosphere of warmth and welcome to the members and guests of Providence Church by extending loving gestures of hospitality to all.

Laymen Ministry
Function: The Laymen’s Ministry provides a fellowship for the men of the church, encourages men to become active in the ministry of the church, and strives to be role models for the young men of the Providence church family.

Women’s Ministry
Function: The Women’s Ministry provides a Christian fellowship for mature Christian women with emphasis on increasing spiritual growth. The members of this ministry are a unique blend of women that serve as role models and support systems for younger women within the church.

Missions Ministry
Function: Outreach ministry with the church and the community working together to service the needs of all people.

New Membership
Function: To assist the new members through the process of becoming a member of Providence. They will schedule and teach the orientation classes and prepare them to participate in Christian Academy and/or other ministries after receiving the right hand of fellowship.

Youth Ministry
Function: The Youth Ministry is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of our youth.

Marriage Ministry
Purpose is to inspire, encourage, and equip those who are married and those who are preparing for marriage, by providing practical, Biblical resources, teaching and sharing opportunities and revealing the heart of Christ within marriage.

Singles Ministry
Function: The Singles Ministry encourages and educates the single (widowed, divorced, never married) body of believers to further know the Lord Jesus Christ and to appreciate and celebrate the gift of singleness.

Usher Ministries
Function: The Usher Ministry meets, greets, and seats our members and guests as they enter the sanctuary. Their objective is to ensure that each person who enters God’s house feels peace, joy, and happiness.

Providence Baptist Church